Welcome to my
Fighting Fantasy
website. This
site I hope will satisfy any Fighting Fantasy collector looking for an archive
of all known related FF material. I picked up my first Fighting Fantasy book in 1985 when I was 13 with money from a paper-round,
it was House of Hell (No.10) and could not put it
down, I was hooked. As I grew up I bought more and more until the early nineties
when my interest started to falter. In my late teens I lost interest and my Fighting Fantasy collection was moved on, all but No.6 and No.10 had stayed
on my bookshelf.
It has taken
years to accumulate the books and related
materials (old & new) you see here today. It is extensive but by no means
complete as I go about seeking the ultimate collection. My focus is on the
book covers and other collectables, not so much the contents or game-play,
this is well catered for at the official site
My collection is growing and
so the blanks will fill, I have also started to add scans of other items I do
not own (can't afford it!) and I still have loads of cover variations to scan as well. I may not get every fact right and surely miss
something, therefore I am relying on you to put me right to aid me in my
quest. Enjoy!